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control symbol中文是什么意思

用"control symbol"造句"control symbol"怎么读"control symbol" in a sentence


  • 控制符号


  • Symbols for machine tools - specification for numerical control symbols
  • Imo fire control symbols
  • A control symbol consists of a backslash followed by a single , nonalphabetic character . for example , ~ represents a nonbreaking space . control symbols take no delimiters
    一个控制符号由一个反斜杠以及紧跟着它的一个简单的非字母的字符。例如, ~代表一个不换行空格。控制字符不需要分隔符。
  • At the most important section , at first i have discussed the building of credibility in every link of brand management : brand orientation , propagation , management , upholding , strategy , extending need credibility to be the basis ; the important sense of credibility for managers and employees and how to train ; the credit criterion in the group , among the management groups , between firm and cooperator , between firm and society ; the credibility of brand and customers ; the importance position of credibility in the brand culture and the cultivating of credit brand culture . at the basis of above , i build a system control symbol of brand management . through the symbol , i analyze the function and sense of credibility in brand management system
  • This article discussed the chinese word slice , character extraction , character expression and character matching methods , and established the chinese text classification and clustering algorithms based on neural network . in the design of chinese text mining based on web , the paper analyzed and researched the expression of web page information , structure feature , web page control symbol and html control symbol , and built the extraction flow of web page information , then gave two concrete application of chinese text mining based on web through combining with practical problems
    讨论了文本分类中的中文词切分、特征提取、特征表示、特征匹配方法,建立了基于神经网络的中文文本分类、聚类算法,在web中文文本信息挖掘的设计中,对网页信息的表示、结构特点、网页控制符、 html控制符号处理进行了详细分析与研究,构建了网页信息提取流程,并结合实际问题,给出了web环境下中文文本信息挖掘的两个具体应用。
用"control symbol"造句  


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